Monday, 13 January 2014

DIY Baby Food

Dear husband and I have a relatively healthy diet. My kryptonite is refined sugar and when you read the ingredients of, well, everything these days, it's usually in the top three.  So reading the ingredients of jarred baby food was quite the eye opener...tons of sugar.

In any case, making baby food is actually pretty easy, cheap and you know exactly what's in it.  So far, boiled potatoes and peas.

My experiment today is carrots and parsnip. I have steamed veggies in the microwave lots of times before (broccoli in a ziploc bag for 90 sec is wonderful! Flavourful and a bright green, not at all mushy), however...carrots...let's just say charred, smoking mess!

With that in mind Dear Husband has gone to get a steamer basket for our rice cooker...update shortly.

Parsnips in the rice cooker...success! On to the carrot.

Here is the rice cooker with the steamer basket and carrot (FYI, I'm not employed by or endorsed by Salton. It just happened to be the cheapest rice cooker on the shelf last grocery shop.)


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